Netball Training Wk 6
Hello Again. This is a blog about Netball. What the coach's (Olivia and Joseina) taught us was dodging.
First we played the same game every Netball training, infinity tag which was where we were all in so we've got to tag other people so they could bob down, and if you get tug, then you bob down and all the people you tug is back in the game. We played the same game, but we got one bib each and you have to try and get the other peoples bibs and then bob down to put in your pocket. Then you get back up to get other peoples bibs. Plus there is no goose guarding. We played another game which was similar to capture the flag, but instead of flags, we used balls. we get three balls on each team and there is a line in between the two teams. There was a team of bibs and non bibs. If the non bib team came on the bibs team side of the court, then the bibs team can tag them and they go back to their side of the court and try again if they get tug. And if the bibs team get to the other side and get the ball without getting tagged, then the non bibs team cant tag them if they are in the boundries. If they get tug then they go back to their side and give the ball back to the non bibs. There is another game where we have to buddy up with a partner and practice dodging them with three steps. I hope you've enjoyed reading my blog. I hope to read your blogs too. Blog you later
Hello TJ I am Elijah from Pt England school and I am your bl0gging buddy. I am 10 years old and I have 3 brothers. I'm hoping to see more stuff from you.